What is the difference between TestNG and Maven?
TestNG and Maven are two entirely different things.
TestNG is a testing framework inspired from NUnit and JUnit but presenting some new functionality that makes it simply easy, effortless, and powerful to use. TestNG is also an open-source automated test framework; wherein NG of TestNG signifies Next Generation. TestNG is exactly the same as JUnit but it is much more robust than JUnit but still, it’s inspired by JUnit.
This is specifically well-designed to be better than JUnit, particularly when testing integrated classes. TestNG eradicate most of the negative traits of the older framework and gives the developer the ability to write powerful and flexible tests with help of easy annotations, sequencing, grouping, & parametrizing.
Benefits of TestNG
Some of the major advantages of TestNG are :
- Annotations made testers life simple
- Test cases can be Grouped & Prioritized more easily
- Gives the ability to produce HTML Reports of execution
- The possibility of the Data Parameterization
- Parallel testing is possible
- Generates Logs
Maven is a powerful project/ build management tool, which is based on the concept of a POM (Project Object Model) contains project information and configuration information for the maven to build the project like build directory, source directory, dependencies, test source directory, goals, plugin, etc.
It means we can easily manage any kind of Java Projects builds simply using Maven. It is OK to manage the project manually if it is small. However, if the project is big or there are several projects then it is mundane for the developer to manage each of them manually. Maven defines a standard way to build the test, projects, and deploy project artifacts. It gives a framework that enables simple reuse of common build logic for every single project following Maven’s standards.
Common uses of MAVEN are…
1) The build tool (Same as ANT in this case for example)
2) The project management tool is a significant role played by MAVEN. It aids in creating reports, it helps in dependency management.
Core objectives of the Maven build tool are as mentioned below:
- It makes the project build process simple.
- Gives easy and uniform build system.
- Managing project dependencies.
- Provides quality project document Information.
- Provides guild lines for best project management practices.
- Facilitate clear, transparent, and easy migration to new features.
- Allows building projects using POM (project object model).
- Downloads necessitate dependency’s jar files automatically from management tool-Maven central repositories.
As Maven is a build management tool, it aids in managing your selenium project’s build effortlessly. Do not just think that you will get some additional functions from the Maven to write selenium automate test cases. It is a tool that will only manage your selenium test project’s documentation, build compilation, as well as other related project tasks itself. It will help in creating the right project structure, manage and add jar files in the project’s build path, etc..
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